乌鸦狐狸的故事英语作文1 TheFoxandtheCrow(狐狸和乌鸦) Acrowbuiltanestinatree.Justunderthetree,therewasaholeinwhich下面是小编为大家整理的2023年乌鸦狐狸故事英语作文3篇【优秀范文】,供大家参考。
The Fox and the Crow (狐狸和乌鸦)
A crow built a nest in a tree.Just under the tree,there was a hole in which lived a fox.
One day,the crow flew far away looking for food.He finally found a piece of meat and took it back to the tree.He stood on one branch near his nest and felt very happy.
At that time,the fox was also out for food.When he saw the crow standing on the branch with the meat in his mouth,he swallowed and felt eager to get the meat.
The fox blinked and said with a smile,"Hello,my dear neighbor."
The crow kept silence.
"Hello," the fox said again."How are your children?"
The crow looked at the fox without saying anything.
"My dear crow," the fox said."Your feathers are so beautiful.Your voice is also very beautiful.Everyone loves to hear your songs.Please sing a song for me.Ok?"
The crow felt flattered.He opened his mouth and began to sing."Wa-" The meat fell down to the ground as soon as it opened its mouth.
The fox took the meat and went into its hole.
The story tells us that bad people often use sweet words for a wicked purpose,so we should always keep sharp vigilance.
推荐访问:作文 英语 乌鸦 乌鸦狐狸故事英语作文3篇 乌鸦狐狸的故事英语作文1 乌鸦狐狸的故事英语作文100字 乌鸦狐狸的故事英语作文10字 乌鸦狐狸的故事英语作文15句
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