Carlotta Giancane started LImperfetta modeling agency in 2020. The name means “imperfect” in the Italian language. And the agency aims to redefineideas about beauty in Italy.
The agency works with models who are unusual for the industry in many ways. The models are of all sizes and ages. Some of the models have disabilities. Others have medical conditions ,for example, alopecia causes them to lose hair. Still others have scars where they have been injured or have skin discolorations.
Sonia Spartá is one of the models. The 28-year-old from Sicily has a condition called hyperpigmentation or unusual skin coloring. It results in dark spots on her face and body. Before, she tried to hide her condition. Now, she does not. She considers her appearance beautiful. She said, “I changed things so that my weakness, or how I perceived a weakness, became my source of strength — my distinctiveness.”
This is the first such agency in Italy. Giancane, the founder of the company, said:
“I feel like a revolutionary because I realize that around me all this did not exist before LImperfetta.”
The agency has more than 140 models. They are in Italy and around the world. These models have appeared in advertising campaigns for cosmetic products, fashion retailers, and supermarkets. Much of the work is in online advertisements. But there have also been calls for models in television advertisements. Two models have appeared in fashion shows in Milan for designer Marco Rambaldi.
Model Lucia Della Ratta is a university student in Rome. She hid her albinism for most of her life. She tried to darken the color of her hair and skin with products. But during the pandemic lockdown, she let her natural hair color grow out and began posting photos on Instagram.
“I felt beautiful for the first time,” Della Ratta said recently. The change still brings tears to her eyes. “I felt it was my essence, as though it is me, as I really am.”
1. Which of the following is right about LImperfetta modeling agency?
A. All the models are psychologically unhealthy.
B. The agency has only 140 models together.
C. Most models appear in television adverti-sements.
D. It has made much difference to some models life.
2. What does the underlined word “distinctiveness” mean in Paragraph 3?
A. Source. B. Uniqueness.
C. Character. D. Preference.
3. What kind of person is Carlotta Giancane?
A. Generous and caring.
B. Easy-going and brave.
C. Brave and creative.
D. Kind and hard-working.
4.Which column might the passage be in a mag-azine?
A. Arts and Culture.
B. Sports and Health.
C. People and Life.
D. Science and Technology.
1. D。解析:細节理解题。根据材料第三段、第六段中提到的Sonia Spartá和Lucia Della Ratta在成为这家公司的模特之前和之后的态度变化,我们可知,LImperfetta模特经纪公司对一些模特的生活产生了很大的影响。故选D。
2. B。解析:词义猜测题。根据第三段,我们可知Sonia Spartá患有一种不寻常的疾病,这导致她脸上和身上出现黑斑。以前,她试图隐瞒自己的病情。现在她认为自己的外表很漂亮。她认为她的弱点,或者说她对弱点的看法,成了她的力量源泉。画线词就是指上文提到的“weakness”或“condition”,也就是她特有的东西。故选B。
3. C。解析:推理判断题。根据材料第四段第一个句子“This is the first such agency in Italy”,我们可知她是个具有创造力的人。根据材料第四段第二个句子中的“I feel like a revolutionary”,我们可知她是个勇敢的人。故选C。
4. A。解析:推理判断题。文章是围绕“Carlotta Giancane创办的LImperfetta模特经纪公司”展开的,该公司招募的模特都有身体缺陷,目标是重新定义意大利人关于美的观念。所以这篇文章最有可能出现在杂志的艺术和文化栏目。故选A。
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