(1.College of Information and Management Science,Henan Agricultural University,Zhengzhou 450003,China;2.School of Mathematics and Statistics,Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou 450001,China)
Abstract: In a recent paper,Feng et al.[5] (Two-agent scheduling with rejection on a single machine.Appl.Math.Model.39 (2015) 1183-1193) studied some two-agent scheduling problems with rejection on a single machine.The authors showed that all problems are NP-hard and then provided four dynamic programming algorithms.Unfortunately,we observe that some mistakes are contained in the two dynamic programming algorithms.In this note,we first show by a counter-example that the above two algorithms are incorrect.Furthermore,we also provide two new dynamic programming algorithms to solve the same problems.
Keywords: Two-agent scheduling;Single machine;Rejection;Dynamic programming
Multi-agent scheduling was first introduced by Baker and Smith [3] and Agnetis et al.[2].In a multi-agent scheduling problem,there are several agents and each agent is associated to a subset of jobs.Each agent has its own objective function which depends on the completion times of its jobs only.However,all the jobs have to share common resources.The objective is to find a schedule of the jobs of all agents,which constitutes a good compromise solution.Today,multi-agent scheduling (especially two-agent scheduling) has developed into a hot topic in scheduling research.According to the current data from web of science,there are 3660 articles which studied “multi-agent scheduling”.For a more detailed models and results on multi-agent scheduling,we refer the reader to the survey paper by Perez-Gonzalez and Framinan [8] and the book by Agnetis et al.[1].
Scheduling with rejection was first studied by Bartal et al.[4].In a scheduling problem with rejection,each job is either accepted and then processed on some machine,or rejected by paying a certain rejection penalty.In recent years,there has been significant interest in scheduling with rejection.According to the current data from web of science,there are 2359 articles which considered “scheduling with rejection”.For a more detailed survey on this topic,the interested reader is referred to the survey paper by Shabtay et al.[9].
Although a larger number of results have been obtained in multi-agent scheduling or scheduling with rejection,it seems that only a few of papers considered the combination of two scheduling models,i.e.,multi-agent scheduling with rejection.To the best of our knowledge,the earliest paper on two-agent scheduling with rejection is the one by Feng et al.[5].They studied the two-agent scheduling problem with rejection on a single machine.The authors showed that all problems are NP-hard and then provided four dynamic programming algorithms.Furthermore,they presented a 2-approximation algorithm and a fully polynomial-time approximation scheme(FPTAS).Mor and Mosheiov [7] considered a two-agent scheduling problem with rejection and precedence constraints on a single machine.The objective is to find a schedule such that the maximum cost is minimized.They provided a polynomial-time algorithm for this problem.Li and Lu [6] further studied the two-agent scheduling problem with rejection on parallel machines.The authors considered four scheduling problems associated with different combinations of the two agents’ objective functions.Some pseudo-polynomial time algorithms and a fully polynomial-time approximation scheme are presented for the above problems.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows.In Section 2,we present the problem formulation for two-agent scheduling with rejection.In Section 3,we provide a counter-example to show that two dynamic programming algorithms in[5]are incorrect.Finally,two new dynamic programming algorithms are presented in Section 4.
3.1.Problem 1|reject|+e(RA):+e(RB)≤Q
Combining the above four cases,Feng et al.[5]presented the following dynamic programming algorithm.
Algorithm DP1
The boundary conditions:
The recursive function:
The optimal value is given by
Remark 3.2.We also observe that in Case 3 and Case 4,whenever is rejected or processed on the machine,the objective function value of agent B is increased.It is easy to see that the feasibility of B-jobs in Case 4 is checked to guarantee the current value of agent B is not greater than Q,but it is not checked in Case 3.Thus,Case 3 is incorrect since it is possible to be infeasible.
A small counter-example is constructed as follows:
Finally,we also havef(1,1,t,EA,EB)+∞(otherwise).
Thus,by algorithm DP1,the optimal value is given by
Meanwhile,we havef(1,1,11,0,0)5 (By Remark 3.1,the recursive function in Case 2 is incorrect) andf(1,1,5,0,4)5 (By Remark 3.2,it is infeasible sinceEB4>3Q).Thus,the above counter-example implies that algorithm DP1 is incorrect.
3.2.Problem 1|reject|∑+e(RA):+e(RB)≤Q
From Remark 3.2 and Remark 3.3,the main errors of algorithms DP1 and DP3 are in Case 3.Thus,in order to check the feasibility in Case 3,we have to add a status variableLBwhich is the currentvalue.Furthermore,we assume thatQ≤min{E2,P}.Otherwise,ifQ≥min{E2,P},then allB-jobs can be rejected or processed after allA-jobs.Thus,the two-agent problems are equivalent to the corresponding single-agent problems.Now,we have the following dynamic programming algorithms.
4.1.Problem 1|reject|+e(RA):+e(RB)≤Q
Combining the above four cases,we provide the following dynamic programming algorithm DP2.
Algorithm DP2
The boundary conditions:
The recursive function:
The optimal value is given by
4.2.Problem 1|reject|∑+e(RA):+e(RB)≤Q
Combining the above four cases,we provide the following dynamic programming algorithm DP3.
Algorithm DP3
The boundary conditions:
The recursive function:
The optimal value is given by
推荐访问:Scheduling Agent Note
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